Monday, February 15, 2016

Blog #20: Hamlet Act 1 Social Media Assignment

{Write an entry as if you were Hamlet... about bumping into the ghost and the "antic disposition" you're going to put on.}

Dear Followers,

Ever since I have examined and spoken to my father's ghost, I remain agitated and anxious about the forthcoming future. While I have explicitly told my dear friends, Horatio and Marcellus, to not speak about the happenings "For [their] desire to know what is between us" (1.5.142), I am conflicted as to how to hide my emotions now that I know of the King's true reason for death. What do I say when approached by Claudius, my uncle and now father? Before my father's passing, I would confer in my mother on my troubles and conflicts. But now, she will most certainly support her husband, who so evilly and cannily seduced to the throne. "My fate cries out/ And makes each petty artery in this body/ As hardy as the Nemean lion’s nerve" (1.4.86-88). Is this in true sense my fate?

Ah how I remember that hour I spent in the ghost's presence. His demeanor so like my father, yet the cold aura so unlike his alive and warm character. Had I listened to my companions' advice and not followed the looming creature, I would not be in such combat against my own mind. I do express remorse over my affirmation to them "Why, what should be the fear?" (1.4.68). This fear in the incestuous blood that runs through my veins surpasses all others. Yet I still do not repent my doings as now I am able to rightfully take my revenge and partake in warfare against my own kin. Oh my father -his soul, a vision perhaps- how I thank thee for escaping the "prison house" (1.5.14) that  entangles during daytime and singing as a canary the song of terror to your loyal, mournful son. So correct you were when you said "So art though to revenge when thou shalt hear" (1.5.7). I shall avenge your murder, father. No force in the land will avert me from this intention, not vile Claudius nor my vulgar mother. 

As always, with devotion,



- "For your desire to know what is between us" (1.5.142)

When your friends call to hang out but you got family drama at home #maybenextweekend #dadslecturingme #again

- "My fate cries out/ And makes each petty artery in this body/ As hardy as the Nemean lion’s nerve" (1.4.86-88)

Just got back from the therapist... Something about putting "too much pressure on myself" #itsmyfateforgodssake #destinyiscalling #nbd

- "Why, what should be the fear?" (1.4.68)

Some say its just the hormones but I like to think I'm pretty badass #testosterone #rebellious #emoteenager #itsnotjustaphase

- "prison house" (1.5.14)

Dad's visiting from hell... Someone wasn't a good boy #didntmakeittoheaven #nogoodfoodinhell

- "So art though to revenge when thou shalt hear" (1.5.7)

Dad's got pretty high expectations for someone who dresses like its the 14th century #getwiththetimes #itsthe15thcenturynow #blackisin

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